Summoner School – The Ultimate League of Legends Guide

Product Name: Summoner School – The Ultimate League of Legends Guide

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Summoner School – The Ultimate League of Legends Guide is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Solo queue feels like a lifetime sentence in jail. If you get free from your division, you are freaking lucky. The same garbage happens over and over…

It’s frustrating when your mid lane gives the enemy 10 kills in 20 minutes, a teammate rages, and your team frequently makes bad decisions.

You lose, queue up again, and cross your fingers hoping your next team isn’t as bad like your other teams.

Just when you think you’ll win a game and get out of league hell, your team throws. Another loss is added to your match history.

You feel crazy when you can’t carry.

In ranked, you’re probably in ladder hell where trash happens every game:

Hey, my name is Paul Patton and summoner name is UberGiant. I was never a pro gamer and had no super talent.

I was stuck in bronze-tier for the first two years of playing League of Legends… even though I played LoL 3 hours everyday! Then one day I made…

A League of Legends pro named SaintVicious use to jungle for CLG (the team that won the world championships in 2010). SaintVicious was top 50 on American servers with an elo of 2300 (now known as Challenger-tier) until his account got hacked. His new elo was 1. He was officially ranked the worst player in the world.

Players in the LoL forums were afraid. They thought no one could carry a team of noobs so they carefully watched him…

Little did I know he was an angel from heaven here to free me from League of Legends hell.

If hell existed, this was it. In one of his games 2 players went mid, there was no one top, no one leashed his jungle, and his Teemo called him a di** for no reason. If we’re stuck in league hell because of bad teammates, then SaintVicious couldn’t get back to 2300 elo.

Weeks later, he was top 50, free from league hell, and beating world-class pros again.

You can too, but what do you do when losing? You probably make all the excuses in the world to say why you lost. “My teammates feed, go afk, rage…”

Nothing will change until you stop blaming and take responsibility. You’ll be astonished at the mistakes you make when you criticize your play.

Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes you can do nothing when two teammates leave. You lose the occasional game like SaintVicious and other pros no matter how good you play, but you win a lot more when you know how to:

That is the secret to win. Michael Jordan used it to win NBA world championships. It’s only possible when you stop blaming others…

It will for you too. The problem is…

Once you stop blaming others, how do you develop the skills to win?

Without the skills, you cannot carry bad teammates. And when you cannot carry, you trick yourself into blaming them.

How do you learn to counter-pick, pick the right runes and masteries every time, last hit, zone, harass, get kills when you gank, develop map awareness, ward, build correctly, team-fight, communicate with your team, practice better, and learn all the 30+ other skills needed to become a better LoL player?

There’s no guide out there to teach you all this. The best answer use to be to pick tips here and there from second-rate guides then learn most of it yourself over hundreds of hours studying, testing, and failing… but this takes so long! And after all that effort, there’s no guarantee you’re going to come out a better player.

You feel like you’re trying to cut a tree with a butter knife. You skip studying, don’t work, forget to eat… your life suffers.

It is possible to learn by playing endlessly, watching streams, and reading free guides, but it’s not worth the sacrifice and never-ending frustration. It takes you over a year of smart learning to figure out the secrets.

Anyone can write a free champion guide. Many players do and give bad advice like one I just read that suggested to always build Chalice of Harmony on an AP champion mid. Some guides are written by pros and I suggest you read these.

The problem for you is an overwhelming amount of information. What do you follow and why?

What about all the skills of becoming a master player you don’t even know about? No pro has ever shown you all the skills needed to get great because there is too much to teach (they’re too busy playing) and they don’t want you to beat them.

You want a map to follow so you can confidently get to where you want to go – whether it is to escape league hell, become a platinum player, or make your team pro – without destroying your life.

After two years of intensive learning, I finally freed myself from elo hell at a 900 rank (now bronze IV). I reached my goal of diamond-tier, which meant I was in the top 1% of the world according to Riot. Our pre-made team held #1 on the Australian LoL ladder winning cash, RP, and rights to play in bigger tournies like Australia’s most amazing gaming convention, the EB Expo:

Do you also want to verse pros or live your dream of playing at a massive LAN?

Good news. Players frustrated in solo queue like yourself copied my success using the same short-cuts.

Trying the same secrets, my two younger brothers (LittleUberGiant and UberGiantsBro) were more serious. They both went from bronze to diamond-tier on North American servers with 200 ping. On Oceania servers, they reached #1 and #6 on the challenger ladder.

I laughed when LittleUberGiant who:

DoubleLift plays the game professionally 10 hours a day for Team Solo Mid and even played his famous Vayne. Yeah, there was like 20,000 people watching his stream.

Your skills are more important than your bad Internet connection or computer.

Here’s proof of our ratings below:

We’ve played with and against all the old pros (because we didn’t have Oceania servers) from HotShotGG, TheOddOne, Dyrus, Crumbz, Westrice, Ocelote, Xpecial, Scarra, and the list goes on. I’ll prove it. LittleUberGiant carried HotShotGG and Voyboy (some of the world’s best players at the time) with a 20-4 Sivir – and he doesn’t main AD carries. See the screenshot:

Astonishing uh? When you get the right training, you too can carry pros you’d never think of having on your team.

In another recent game, me, two bros, and two friends played a ranked 5s. One of my friend’s Internet dropped out right from the start. We were 4 players the entire game against 5 platinum-tier players.

The end result? We beat them in 35 minutes and lost only two towers.

I don’t win every game, carry every noob, or dominate every 4v5 match. No one does. But after I discovered how to go from an angry scrub to winning unwinnable games… frustrated players like yourself had to get in on the secrets.

I put every single tip I knew about how to win at League of Legends in a complete system so you can go from… total noob to pro. All the top players I knew shared their best tips and reviewed it to make the course more amazing so you too can escape league hell.

Summoner School is the most comprehensive course ever written to win at LoL and free yourself from noob teammates. As a student you access a members-only portal with all the lessons, videos, tier-raising tools, and resources.

See below a few of the happy students willing to share their reviews of Summoner School:

“I started summoner school about 9 weeks ago. My weekly playtime is not much because i work (most playtime at weekends) but with this guide every minute playing was improving!

“In my school time I played about 8 ranked games and won 7 out of it! I started Silver 5 with 0LP and ended Silver 3 last weekend (actaully skipped a division) with playing versus gold III and platinum V players frequently. I often get called a “smurf” in those games 😉 (btw. Dragonsteal with Support Janna Q is awesome)

“Even if I need to read through all parts some more times to make them become instinct, the exercises are worth the money by its own (see the jump above) 🙂

“A ELO boost is much more expensive by the way 😉

“I will recommend this guide to all of my friends who want to become better at LoL!”

The course is made of 5 classes that covers everything you need to win games when teammates feed…

After the introduction are four classes: pre-game, in-game, team-game, and post-game. Have a look below to see inside each class…

You may be getting really excited about the step-by-step instructions you’ll soon lay your hands on in Summoner School. You see how it’s your answer to end the frustrations of losing game-after-game. One question nags on your mind…

Summoner School IS NOT for you if:

Summoner School IS PERFECT for you if:

You now see how the course is your match made in heaven. It’s your secret resource to go from feeding noob teammates to a pro-level.

Now you ask, “how much does it cost?” My question to you is…

I use to rage playing LoL trying to carry noobs. You may too. It’s not fun even though you enjoy the game.

You cannot put a price on being great at something you love.

Having that cool Teemo skin doesn’t make you play better. Summoner School will.

I recently moved the website to a cheaper web host and wanted more players who couldn’t afford monthly bills to join… and was able to slice the cost of Summoner School for a limited time.

That’s equal to 9 skins… to get so good you play with pros everyday.

It’s normal to be concerned about price. That’s why when you safely enroll today, you will…

If you’re really serious, with the course you can get challenger-tier like my two brothers. I am making an oath to you that Summoner School will make you however good you want as long as you follow the simple steps…

You gotta HURRY though. With the number of members growing fast as their friends recommend the course, you’ll want the short-cut skills to carry anyone quick.

Get in before you have more noobs on your team and miss picking up the skills of pros. End your solo queue pain now. It’s your choice. Be the one who humiliates the enemy when you have bad teammates.

Sign me up. I believe Summoner School is the fastest and easiest way to free myself from noob teammates and win at League of Legends. I understand that…

Click the button below to join Summoner School now:

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Here’s to you winning more games in League of Legends with noob teammates,

Paul Patton

P.S. If you signup now, you instantly get your hands on a simple bonus: the quick-start guide to win more LoL. It’s the fastest guide to carry. Stop cutting a tree with a butter knife by trying to figure out on your own how to win. There’s no other guide on the Internet, stream, or way of learning every skill needed to get in the top 1% of all players. Summoner School reveals all for the first time. Access the course now.

P.S.S. Invest in the only all-you-need course to become great at LoL without fear or risk. Get at least gold-tier or all your money back. Students who follow the guide are in challenger-tier versing the best in the world. Join us. Signup here.

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Click here to get Summoner School – The Ultimate League of Legends Guide at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Summoner School – The Ultimate League of Legends Guide is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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