Croker Golf Academy

Product Name: Croker Golf Academy

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Best part? You can learn it almost overnight, even if you’re out of shape and your joints are so stiff you can hardly swing the golf club.

“Don’t screw it up, Peter!”

I was standing on the first tee of the 18-hole playoff for the 1976 Australian PGA Championship.

The TV cameras were in my face.

The whole nation was watching.

And I was so nervous, I thought I was going to be sick.

Just off to my right was Billy Dunk — one of the all-time greats and my long-time rival.

I was a few good shots away from beating him.

If I won, I’d sky-rocket up the PGA rankings…

Get my hands on the Kirkwood Cup trophy…

And cement my name in the history books forever.

The hole was a long dogleg 430-yard par 4…

With a huge creek surrounding the front and right side of the green.

My hands were so sweaty, I could hardly hold the golf club.

I took a deep breath, visualized the perfect shot and stepped up to the ball.

I drew the club back and swung as hard as I could.

And that’s when it happened…

I’d sliced the ball so badly, it flew off to the right, and into the trees.

A wave of panic rolled over me.

The trees were blocking my shot to the green.

My confidence was rocked. I felt like I’d been punched in the gut.

My opportunity to be a PGA champion was slipping away. But I was still in it. I could still recover.

It all came down to this next shot.

I pulled my 4-iron back and choked on the downswing…

As my ball disappeared into the creek…

I looked over at my wife hoping for a reassuring look of support…

But she was so pale, she looked like she’d seen a ghost.

And when I turned to my caddy…

He stared down at the ground and avoided making eye contact

Billy Dunk went on to win the hole and the tournament.

And my heart sank as I realized everything I’d ever worked for came to nothing.

My dream of being a champion was crushed.

I’d been humiliated — with my dream of being a champion crushed — all because of one lousy drive.

Losing that playoff was the most embarrassing moment of my career…

Yet every day I thank God that it happened…

Because that precise moment led to the breakthrough discovery…

One that’s helped thousands of golfers eliminate their slice…

And transform their distance off the tee!

… Consistently launches the ball straight down the center of the fairway…

And leaves your buddies gobsmacked, crying out, “How the hell did you do that?”

This simple pre-shot ritual feeds into your current swing…

And in just seconds, unleashes a torrent of hidden power, balance and accuracy…

That you can go out tomorrow and…

And land your ball in the perfect position for an easy chip onto the green.

Not only does this “3-step” secret transform your game in as little as 9 swings…

But it also makes it impossible to slice the ball!

That means no more embarrassing slices or hooks sending your ball into the rough and trees…

And significantly more power and accuracy behind every shot you hit.

And best of all, you’ll get this extra distance effortlessly, without swinging any harder.

You’re about to discover a simple and instantly effective secret, few golfers will ever know.

That will allow you to regularly launch 250-yard tee shots…

Shave at least 7 shots off your game.

You’ll not only hit scorching drives on command…

But you’ll also gain an extra 10-20 yards on all your irons …

and get better backspin, immediately

Which means closer approaches, shorter birdie putts and more fun.

Just imagine making a bet with a young, hotshot youngster… Or your annoying co-worker or son-in-law…

And humiliating him by crushing a long, towering drive that sails down the middle of the fairway like a missile…

Easily going 20, 30 or even 50 yards past his shot.

It all comes down to my “3-step” power ritual that helps every golfer get an extra 20+ yards off the tee…

This 3-step ritual is a MUST for golfers over 40…

It unlocks your natural power…

Giving you an effortless, pain-free swing…

And it works even if your joints are so beaten up you can only manage a half swing.

And do it again on the next tee…

Discovering this 3-step secret completely transformed my long game…

And launched me to the top 20 on the Australian PGA Tour.

Just months after discovering this secret, I won the Barham Open Championship.

Then the Yarrawonga Open Championship.

I’ll always remember the moment my hard work paid off.

I was at the Portsea Pro-Am — the largest Pro-Am at the time.

And once again, I was in a playoff for the championship.

As I got to the 18th tee, I was tied for 1st place.

The final hole would decide the title: a 530-yard par 5 with a slight dogleg to the right.

As I stepped onto the tee of the first playoff hole, the crowd was going crazy behind me.

But when I looked down the fairway, and saw all the bunkers and Pine Trees, I flashed back to the 1976 Australian PGA Championship.

Fear shot through my entire body, and my knees started to tremble. Was I going to choke again?

The crowd went wild and I knew I had this..

After a powerful 3-wood shot and a perfect chip

The championship was mine.

My name forever etched into the history books.

All thanks to my 3-step secret to consistently hit monster drives.

So that you can start hitting BOMBS on demand.

You see, even though I’m the shortest guy on the golf course…

I still consistently strike the ball 250+ yards…

Right down the center of the fairway.

Well, I DON’T try to swing like many PGA Tour pros…

Because I don’t want to injure my back… and neither do you…

That’s why I’m going to teach you a simple tweak to your swing that unlocks your natural power…

Adding 20-30 yards to your drive…

Even if you’re carrying injuries (in fact, this method is designed to swing around your injuries so you don’t make them worse).

After many years of twisting hips, sliding hips, late hits, etc. I found that this attempt at hitting early or using the clubhead added over 40 yds to my drives and at least one club in my irons Plus no sore back!

“I’m now hitting drives 250-270 yards down the middle / center of the fairway.And my new accuracy has helped me take 6 strokes off my game, in just 2 weeks. I am absolutely amazed at the rapid results.

Best drill and swing thought…ever. Tried it on the range today; worked super on PW through driver. Was hitting the driver 200+ with reduced flight range balls. Not bad for a “super senior.” Whole different feel. Wish I knew this 40 years ago. But, better late than never.

I was able to shot a Seventy-three after practicing the drill I have learned. Another achievement I’ve made is hitting 13 of 18 greens in regulation. I also almost hit the green with a distance of 5 to 10 yards on the other five holes. My handicap is a 9 so I don`t shoot 73s all the time.

I am now a 1 handicap and just last week had four rounds under par in a row, 68, 69, 70, 70. This is really fun now because of how confident I feel over every shot.

This secret can shave years off your learning curve…

And transform your golf game forever…

But before I show you what my secret is…

Let me quickly introduce myself.

If my name sounds familiar…

It’s probably because you’ve seen my work featured all over the golf magazines.

I’ve had the honour of writing for Golf Digest Magazine, Golf World and Golf Tips Magazine…

And I’ve been on the front cover of Golf Digest…

I’ve appeared on The Golf Channel, Golf Zone TV and I have my own internet show

At the top of my playing career I was on the Leader Board often and lead tournaments in Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.

I’ve played on the Australian, European, and Asian PGA Tours…

Alongside champions like Seve Ballesteros, Sam Snead, Lee Trevino, Peter Thomson, Gary Player and Greg Norman.

During my years on Tour, I won more than 30 PGA tournaments…

… Held 6 course records…

… And had a low round of 62 in the New Zealand PGA Championship.

After retiring from the Tour, I continued my successful career by coaching on the PGA Tour.

I worked with Vijay Singh two weeks before he won the Masters in 2000. At that time Vijay sent his brother, Krishna, to learn how to become a better Golf Coach using my system

I helped David Graham (winner of both the US Open and PGA Champions) turn his game around in his late 40’s and win on the US PGA Champions Tour.

Most importantly, Arnold couldn’t believe how easy it felt on his back.

While I love working with top PGA Pros…

My greatest joy comes from seeing players like you use my “3-step” secret to immediately add 20+ yards to your drive.

I first discovered this after my heart-breaking loss at the Australian PGA Championship.

I felt completely humiliated…

And I was determined never to suffer on the golf course like that again.

I was sick and tired of being the runner up. I wanted to reach the top of the game and win Major championships.

But I knew that in order to win, I’d have to fix my long game.

I figured that all else being equal, a stronger swing would drive the ball further.

So I hit the gym every day…

And worked with a personal trainer to get stronger and add muscle…

Using tools like weighted clubs and resistance bands.

But my only reward was feeling stiff and sore every time I played…

And my back began killing me.

I knew if I kept this path up, I was going to end up in hospital…

And I was afraid I might have to quit the game forever.

After all, 90% of PGA Tour players experience debilitating joint and back problems during their careers on the PGA Tour.

I knew there had to be a better way to get more distance.

So, I decided to stop being a meathead

And learn to work WITH my body instead of against it.

I travelled the world to learn from the best coaches…

With the greats like Paul Runyan, Bob Toski, Peter Kostis, Jimmy Demaret, Ben Doyle, Tom Tomasello, Charlie Earp, Alec Mercer, Bryan Crafter, Norman Von Nida, and many more…

… I tried desperately to find a way to get more distance, power and accuracy from my swing.

And paid a fortune in coaching fees…

And spent from dawn to dusk at the range…

Trying to apply everything t they taught me.

But I only managed to gain a few measly yards off the tee.

And I was falling further behind on the Tour.

I was at the end of my rope.

So angry and frustrated that I’d spent so much time and money yet I still wasn’t improving.

My career was on the line and I became maniacal about figuring this out for myself.

So, I began tearing downswing after swing, doing detailed breakdowns.

And I discovered something shocking:

Because you “leak” power as you swing down on the ball.

Instead of sending your energy through the ball…

And driving it 250+ yards down the middle of the fairway…

Your energy dissipates…

Making your swing extremely inefficient and ineffective.

Power Leak #1: Puts Extreme Stress On Your Low Back & Kills Your Clubhead Speed, Giving You Less Power and More Pain!

Golf coaches love to talk about using your powerful leg muscles to generate force.

But this couldn’t be more wrong.

You see, when you transfer your weight during the golf swing, you risk shifting the weight to the outside of the feet in the swing in either direction. This swaying motion blocks the hips rotation in the forward motion.

And the second this happens, your power goes BACKWARD, rather than FORWARD into the ball…

Which cuts your power in half and leads to pathetic, embarrassing shots off the tee.

Fortunately, you can plug this power leak with a simple drill that plants your right foot into the ground like a tree stump.

So, all your power goes straight through the ball, giving you that vital “compression” that sends the ball flying through the air like a rocket…

This is perfect for golfers over 50…

Because it allows you to tap into your personal payload of power – without thinking about it or swinging harder.

And it takes the pressure off your low back, so you’ll actually feel BETTER at the end of 18 holes than you did when you got out of bed that morning.

Power Leak #2: Swinging “Over The Top,” Making It Darn Near Impossible To Hit The Ball Straight!

Nothing is more frustrating than slicing the ball.

Especially if you end up in the bunker, a water hazard, or even the neighbouring fairway.

The most common reason amateurs and even pro golfers slice the ball is that they swing “over-the-top”.

This happens when your club travels too far from your body during the downswing, causing the clubhead path to cut across the target line from out to in – slicing the ball away to the right…

Not only is it the WORST mistake you can make…

But it also puts a lot of stress on your wrist (leading to nasty injuries that can take you off the course for months).

Did you know there’s an effortless golf swing that makes it EASIER for golfers over 40 to drive the ball straighter and further…

And immediately fixes an “over-the-top” swing…

Helping you pick up more distance, and adding 20+ yards to your drive…

While eliminating any slice or hook so you get more accuracy.

This swing will drop your score dramatically. You’ll play more consistently and have more fun on the course,

And in just a moment, I’ll show you a revolutionary “2-minute” power move that forces the golf club to swing on the correct path, while protecting your joints and keeping you healthy.

Power Leak #3: Annihilates Your “Lag” & Steals Your Power & Momentum Before You Even Swing The Club!

Most golfers think that “harder” is better.

That the stronger you are, and the harder you hit the ball, the farther the ball will go.

Because when you swing harder, you “unhinge” your arms and wrists during the downswing (this is called casting).

The result: All the power generated in your downswing is lost…

Your clubhead speed drops and you hit a low, weak shot that skirts along the grass or you chop it up with little compression while your buddies laugh.

Worse still, as you release that tension, you put an enormous strain on your lower back. Setting you up for a nasty injury that can cripple your golf career.

In a moment, I’m going to show you a much smarter way to release your downswing that increases your lag and accelerates your clubhead…

You’ll see how one simple wrist hinge action from the top of your backswing can make your swing reliable and repeatable… consistent.

With significantly greater distance and power — while protecting your back and muscles from the strain.

You’ll effortlessly drive the ball farther off the tee than you ever imagined.

Look, if you want to get the distance off the tee you know you can…

You’ll need to start swinging your club in a different way.

Because if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, your game will just stay the same.

In fact, it’ll get worse as you get older.

The good news is that you can get an extra 25+ yards off the tee…

No matter how stiff your joints are…

But to do that, you need to understand that…

To finally get the distance off the tee you want:

So instead of going down this expensive, time consuming, and frustrating path.

…I recommend you use…

Look, it’s NOT your fault you’re struggling off the tee.

For most people, the old paradigm of “Transfer your weight, pull the club down from the top of the backswing, delay to hit, and release the clubhead at the bottom is just too difficult to time on a consistent basis!”

Instead, what you need is a BRAND-NEW APPROACH THAT:

So, what is this revolutionary new method?

So why is The Croker Golf System the fastest and easiest way for golfers over 40 to INSTANTLY eliminate their slice, and add 25+ yards to their drive?

The Croker Golf System plugs the three major power leaks in your golf swing…

So, you’ll gain distance without swinging any harder.

And without changing your whole swing.

Age isn’t an issue… Your fitness level isn’t an issue…

Lack of time isn’t an issue…

And it doesn’t matter what else you tried before.

And this is not just the best way to add distance to your drive.

It’s the ONLY way to get permanent results…

Giving you an unfair advantage over all your playing partners.

The very first time you use The Croker Golf System…

You’ll get an INSTANT increase in your distance off the tee.

I know that’s a big claim but that’s exactly what happens.

This is WHY we got the Cover Story in the “Masters Issue” of Golf Digest Magazine!

“At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, we started the driver-drill.

I was swinging at 83mph and hitting it about 220 yards.

A half an hour later, I was swinging it at 93mph And hitting it at 250.

“It violates what we’ve been taught before, but the results speak for themselves”.

It doesn’t take all day…

It’s as simple as plugging these 3 power leaks in your swing…

Allowing you to transfer more energy into the ball.

While eliminating your slice and hook.

And you can learn this in as little as 30 minutes…

Without completely changing your swing.

Just imagine the CONFIDENCE and CONSISTENCY that will give you on the course.

Every time you tee off…

Your partners will be standing jaw-dropped as you send the ball 20 yards farther than any of them.

One of my first students to use The Croker Golf System was Simon Owen…

A PGA Pro who had won multiple tournaments and was even runner-up to Jack Nicklaus in the 1978 British Open.

Sadly though, when he came to me, Simon’s game was starting to fall apart and his confidence was at an all-time low point.

So, I asked him to “test drive” my new-found Croker Golf Swing.

Frankly, he didn’t believe it would work…

But I convinced him to pull out his driver and give it a try.

He did, and the next thing I heard was…

The ball sailed through the air for more than 300 yards!

I put down another ball and BAM – the same thing happened again.

He was hitting his driver as well as he had during the 1978 British Open.

He was so amazed, he tried it with his 3-wood.

And he couldn’t believe the difference it made.

An extra 20-30 yards off the tee…

And an extra 10-15 yards with all my irons.

It was incredible and made a huge difference on tour.

Simon Owen was back and he rose up the tour rankings…

Finishing in the top 10 of multiple tournaments…

Once again, his name is engraved on National Championship trophies!

And that’s when I knew I was onto something very special…

But before I shared it with the world, I wanted to be 100% sure that it worked.

So, I went to the MySwing 3D Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, where they have highly sophisticated technology…

That would provide detailed data about my golf swing.

They attached 17 sensors to my body to precisely analyze my movements.

I began by swinging a couple of times the way I used to.

Then, I swung again, with the “3-step” secret approach to plug the power leaks …

The computer registered a huge increase in ball speed and “Smash Factor” and as I repeated the swing, my consistency was off the charts!

I achieved much greater distance, without swinging any harder.

Now that I had proven it worked, I began passing my secret on to my students…

And the same thing kept happening.

After just a few tries, my students got an extra 20 yards off the tee…

Without swinging any harder…

And without putting any extra pressure on their spines.

And knew I had to get this out to even more people around the world..

For years, my students have shared how they’ve tried everything to get more distance off the tee…

But they just couldn’t find anything that worked – until they found the Croker Golf System.

They kept telling me the same thing again and again: “Peter, you need to write a book. You need to share the Croker Golf System with the world”.

I resisted for a while, before finally giving in and writing a book for Harper Collins.

But I was deeply disappointed when the publishers and editors took control of the content and left out important details. Quite frankly, they screwed up my information altogether.

I was discouraged by the whole book experience.

Besides, I didn’t want to write some big 200-page book full of boring scientific explanations (which is what the editors wanted me to do).

I just wanted to provide a simple, easy-to-follow guide anyone could easily understand and implement in 10 minutes or less.

It’s called The Croker Golf System

The Croker Golf System is a video masterclass, showing you my exact system to add 20+ yards to your drive.

And it also has picture and text breakdowns of every concept.

With it, I’ll show you step-by-step how to get more distance out of your swing than you ever thought possible…

While eliminating your slice…

And without injuring yourself by trying to swing harder.

As I’ve mentioned, this system takes all the pressure off your back and joints so that not only will you be hitting further…

But you’ll also feel stronger and more limber at the end of a round of 18 holes than you were at the beginning.

And seeing results won’t take long at all…

In fact, many students eliminate their slice and gain 20 yards off the tee from their very first practice session.

Inside the Croker Golf System, you’ll discover:

Oh, and here’s what’s really special about these drills…

You don’t even have to be on the golf course or the range…

You can perform these drills safely and slowly in an open space like in your living room, office or backyard.

Meaning if you decide you want INSTANT access to the Croker Golf System…

You could be seeing results on your swing within the next few minutes.

But don’t take my word for it.

Here’s what other golfers, just like you, have had to say about the Croker Golf System.

“Peter Croker’s System enabled me to add 20 yards to my drive and to hit long irons for the first time in my golfing life.

Without Peter’s help, I do not think I would have made the prestigious Walker Cup Team.”

Peter Croker’s simple teaching methods are responsible for my improved play and power game – especially the “A to B Drill” from The Croker Golf System

I am only 5 feet 5 inches tall, yet I now hit tee shots 285 yards – and accurately!”

I first met Peter Croker over 20 years ago. I immediately knew he had a more refined way of educating professionals and amateurs about the skills necessary to build an enjoyable golf game.

“Peter Croker’s System is simple, educational, and beneficial to any golf instructor. I taught it to my students and now they have a clear picture of what to do and consistently hit the ball with more power and control. Yes, they are playing better and having more fun. I thank Peter Croker for taking my teaching skills to the next level and my students to the next generation of champions.”

Rarely do we meet someone so committed to helping golfers of all levels, Peter is one of those rare breeds. I love the time he affords me to be his pupil, I wish the sun never went down!! He will go down as one of the all-time great instructors of our era!!

Peter’s commitment to helping people play better golf – and his desire to share his experience with his fellow professionals. Those fortunate enough to spend time with Peter – or adopting his system – will be better players sooner.

There are as many gold swings as there are golfers, and a mighty number of them successful at a hitting a ball squarely, solidly in the right direction, with adequate power. Our swings are as unique to us as our thumbprint.

We swing according to our stature, with a speed our muscles and sinews allow, and generally speaking we are stuck with that. Yet we can improve our striking technique, improve results, and get better scores with sensible guidance such as that provided by Peter Croker.

In just one month after applying The Croker Golf System I started hitting my irons more crisply and longer and straighter than ever before. I believe I have found a swing that will last a lifetime.”

My goal is to help you play the best golf of your life, at any age…

And to help you achieve that, I’m going to give you 3 special bonuses, 100% FREE when you join today.

This way, you’ll have everything you need to:

The first bonus today is called “Advanced Driving Tricks”…

And inside this program, you’ll get step-by-step instructions to add 20-30 yards to your drive — in record time.

This short and sweet course contains 13 high-quality videos that will help you get distance off the tee in less time it takes to watch the movie Caddyshack…

I’ve never shared these secrets anywhere else…

But you can get INSTANT ACCESS to them today when you join the Croker Golf Academy.

These videos are available for instant viewing…

So, you can get started right away!

And it’s 100% free of charge.

But we’re not done yet. Because you’ll also get…

With the Croker Golf System, you have everything you need to hit the ball further than you ever have.

In this bonus module, I’ll teach you how to convert that distance into much lower scores.

I’ve created a special training called “5 little known steps to instantly lose 5 shots”…

That was previously only available to my high-end coaching clients.

But it’s yours today, for FREE.

These 5 mistakes are so easy to fix, yet most golfers have no idea they’re making them!

And in fact, even PGA Pros I’ve taught have make these same mistakes.

Inside 5 Little Known Steps To Instantly Lose 5 Shots, you’ll discover…

The x-ray putting technique helps you sink all of your putts more accurately no matter the distance – Remember putting is 40% of the game – so this alone could easily cut out 5 strokes.

The 6 common misconceptions about golfing that hold back every golfer from breaking 90.

How to use my #1 power alignment technique to easily and accurately add 10 to 20 yards to all of your irons

My secret trick to hitting the shots straight down the fairway like a missile (hint: doing this gives your clubhead maximum release at impact).

The simple Winner’s Mindset Hack reduces any stress or frustration you feel each time you walk up to the ball.

5 Little Known Steps To Instantly Lose 5 Shots is available for INSTANT download…

And there’s one final bonus I have for you today.

Look, transforming your game with the Croker Golf System if you end up getting injured.

According to research, 88.5% of pros get at least one bad injury over a lifetime – and they are in tip-top shape…

And amateurs are even worse!

Because I’m going to give you my special video series masterclass, The Pain-Free Golfer…

That will show you exactly how to play around injuries…

And more important, prevent injuries in the first place!

Golf shouldn’t be a painful game.

I’m 71, play every day and I have zero pain.

That’s not because I’m special. It’s because I know exactly how to prevent golf injuries.

This is exactly what you’ll learn inside the Pain-Free Golfer.

You get all of this for less than the cost of a single private lesson!

You won’t find anything like this, anywhere else on the internet.

Now considering that I’ve taught these same secrets to PGA pros…

Most people would assume I’d charge them thousands for what I’m offering them…

And that’s not even what you’d be paying for the plane, hotel or food…

But you’re not going to pay anywhere near that…

Instead, You Can Get INSTANT ACCESS today for less than a nice 10oz steak dinner!

The entire Masterclass series and the bonuses…

Why? because I’m on a mission to help MILLIONS of golfers get out of pain…

And if you want to get started…

To get access all you have to do is click the button below…

And you’ll be taken to a short and secure order form…

It’s 256-bit Encryption secure…

Just like the kind you’d see on Amazon or Google.

And it’ll look exactly like what you see here…

It takes about 60-seconds to fill out the form.

My team has set it up so easy for you…

You’ll get an email almost immediately…

One that looks just like this.

All with your login details.

Because I’ve seen this transform golf for hundreds of amateurs…

And Champion Golfers like Arnold Palmer, Peter Thomson, David Graham, Wayne Grady, Seve Ballesteros, Vijay Singh, Mark Brooks, Simon Owen, Curtis Strange, Jim Ferree, Rocco Mediate…

no matter the experience level…

Add 20+ yards to their driver plus

Add an extra 10+ or more yards on all of their irons

Giving them a better backspin, immediately…

And eleminite embarrassing slices

So, I can be highly confident that this can work for anyone, of any age…

It will help you eliminate dreaded slices

But that doesn’t mean you should take any risk when purchasing!

So, when you order the Master Class Plus All Of the Bonuses today…

You have a full 60 days to try everything out.

And if by the end of 60 days, you haven’t added an extra 20+ yards to your drives and tee shots…

Then just let us know and you’ll receive a prompt and polite refund.

Just send us a message here my A+ professional customer service team either at our email-…

And we’ll refund your entire purchase price.

You won’t find a more generous guarantee anywhere.

There is literally ZERO risk to you – it’s all on my shoulders.

So, go ahead. Click on the “Add To Cart” order button below and let’s get started!

Now, before you place your order…

I have one final message for you.

Ignore everything you’ve just read and do nothing.

Continue hitting the ball off to the side into traps, trees, and the rough…

And being the weaker player in your group.

Option 2: Try and figure it out on your own.

Spend hundreds of hours and thousands of hours researching forums, YouTube and articles…

Or spend hundreds of thousands on new equipment and a top PGA qualified coach.

And maybe after all of that…

Finally, add a few measly yards of distance.

Or there’s the third option. The easy option.

Option 3: Join The Croker Golf System

Use the same system used by thousands of golfers around the world to transform your game in record time.

In just minutes, learn exactly how to:

And use the easiest system possible to:

Remember, when you order now, you’ll be covered by a 60-day full money back, no questions asked, guarantee.

So, there’s no risk to you, it’s all on my shoulders.

So, to get instant access…

Just click on the “Add To Cart” button below…

Take 60 seconds to enter your information…

And you’ll be given instant access to everything.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go ahead, click the button below and let’s get started.

P.S. Remember, with our 60-day money back guarantee…

There is ZERO risks when you order today.

Try out the system for 60 days, and if you don’t add at least 20+ yards to every tee shot

Just let us know for a full refund. No questions asked.

Even If You’re In Your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s or older…

The Croker System is perfect for older players as it does NOT rely on strength or flexibility. Instead, it forces the club to do the work! Making this perfect for older players.

Even If You’re Very Busy And Don’t Have Any Free Time…

Most of our students hit further and straighter from their very first practice session!

And the best part is you don’t even have to go to the range…

You can even practice in your backyard, a spacious room in the house, or even your office.

You don’t have to worry about being new, in fact in many ways that is an advantage…

Because you’ll be learning the highest-level techniques early on.

And especially because the drills effectively iron out the most common mistakes new players make.

In other words, this could actually be the fastest way to take years off the learning curve.

You could be a pro, an amateur and have been playing since for you were 4…

If you are committed to improving your game with just a few simple drills…

This will iron out your bad habits…

And help you improve your swing so you can hit the ball farther and straighter than ever before!

YES! In fact, the majority of top pro players had nagging injuries…

And many of older demographic have joint replacements…

All of which used to limit their golf stroke.

But these methods are designed to make your swing as easy on the body as possible.

PLUS if you order, you’ll also get the Pain-Free Golfer eBook..

So, whether you have an injury in the arms, hands, wrists, feet and ankles, knees, hips, tendons and back injuries… hip and knee joint replacements, and more.

I’ve got a chapter and a technique in this book for you!

This way you can avoid pain, strain, and injury when playing golf.

When you order the Master Class Plus All Of the Bonuses today…

You have a full 60 days to try everything out.

And if by the end of 60 days, you haven’t added an extra 20+ yards to your drives and tee shots…

Then just let us know and you’ll receive a prompt and polite refund.

Just send us a message here my A+ professional customer service team either at our email…

And we’ll refund your entire purchase price.

You won’t find a more generous guarantee anywhere.

There is literally ZERO risks to you – it’s all on my shoulders.

To get access all you have to do is click the big “Add To Cart” button anywhere on this page.

And you’ll be taken to a short and secure order form…It’s 256-bit Encryption secure…Just like the kind you’d see on Amazon or Google.

It takes about 60-seconds to fill out the form.

And after that my team has set it up so easy for you – you’ll get an email with direct links to all of your online purchases.

Lorem ipsum quantum epsum ipiontu…

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Click here to get Croker Golf Academy at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Croker Golf Academy is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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